What’s your 2021 public relations strategy?
This year is certainly one we want to forget but will always remember. The New Year is certainly uncertain. Yet business continues. If you’re thinking, “How do I keep the business momentum? Or saying, “Let’s hope next year is better.” Remember this: “Hope is not a strategy.” (Vince Lombardi) If you’re ready to plan for […]
Celebrating 20 years owning a public relations business
Twenty years ago, this summer I founded Hostetler Public Relations. The date popped up on LinkedIn, and I appreciate so many professionals, friends and colleagues who’ve sent greetings. Two decades. WOW! Yes, a long time. And if I had to write a resume, this is the only job I’ve ever known—working for clients. Back in […]
Media relations: Remember the basics during COVID-19
In May, the Indianapolis chapter of the Public Relations Society of America hosted a Meet the Media panel. Four journalists (see right) answered questions about how they and their colleagues continue to work (from home) during this time. During the hour-long Zoom call they offered what I will call “great reminders” about the foundation of […]
Be a PR promoter: Now is the time
Study after study shows companies that continue promoting their business are stronger than companies that slash their marketing budgets during an economic downturn. A U.S. study of recessions looked at 600 companies covering 16 industries. Firms that sustained or increased marketing communications budgets during the 1981-82 recession averaged higher sales growth post-recession than the others. […]
How much does a website cost?
Websites are critical to an organization’s reputation and image. For some clients, a sound marketing communications strategy is designed to lead customers to a website to learn, engage and buy. We often get the question: What does a website cost? Company leaders often don’t know what they’re paying for in budgets. That’s a risk. Without […]
Media Relations tips for DIY’ers
Often we work with clients who say they are frustrated that they haven’t gotten interviews, profiles or appearances in the press. It’s understandable. They’re trying to figure out how to work with a reporter. I often compare media relations work to making a sale. In business, timing and approach are everything to make the sale. […]
Stop the communications illusion
A survey of consumers and business leaders by Twilio is startling, at least to me. Nearly 7 out of 10 businesses think they’re communicating with their customers effectively. Only 2 out of 10 consumers agree. Here’s the reality. Often what feels like over communication is really, truly just—communication. People need to hear your message up […]
Why we love email marketing and communications
I was thinking about writing this blog and then (moments ago) I received an email from a client with the subject line, “Phones are going NUTS!!!!!” (yes, caps and five exclamation points). So I thought, well now is the time to write this and share it. I love email newsletters as a communications tool. They’re […]
From freelancer to independent public relations practitioner
LinkedIn reminded me and my LinkedIn friends last week that Hostetler Public Relations has been in business 19 years. In the daily hub bub of life and work, this milestone hadn’t crossed my mind. The messages and notes from everyone came as a surprise and are very appreciated. They made me reflect over the weekend. […]