Ever wondered when you search a word, phrase or business name how it manages to come up on page one of the search engine? It’s not a mystery. Those tech programmers at search engine companies have come up with complex algorithms to be sure relevant information comes up first for website users.
So how do you make yourself relevant online? Use search engine optimize your website!
Integrated public relations means a company should look at every piece of your marketing communications. Today, your website is your online storefront. It doesn’t just have to look great and real well—it needs to function for you.
There are four places search engines typically scan for keywords and phrases that are relevant to your industry or business.
Title tabs: Mouse over that title tab at the top of the page. It’s the one that shows the name of our company. It says Indianapolis Independent PR Firm-317-733-8700. We placed that content into the tab using a WordPress widget in a strategic effort to say who we are and what we do.
Content: The information you write and share about your company, its services, culture, vision and more should be authentically written to reflect the real words and phrases a person would type into a search engine bar to find you. Business owners in Indianapolis use Indianapolis PR firm, marketing firm, communications firm, for example. That’s what we are and what we do. So the content on our pages reflects it.
Photos: On a website, they should be more than pretty pictures. Photos should work for you. The photos on the website should include meta-tags to reflect the content on the page.
Keywords: A good SEO widget in WordPress asks you to type in keywords and/or phrases. We typically find two to three per page as a rule of thumb.
The same words and phrases should be used in writing blogs and adding new content to the website. Google loves fresh content. Remember keep it real and keep it relevant for customers to find you.