The more things change… the more they stay the same
Social media is changing the way we communicate. That’s a fact. News releases are dead. That’s an opinion. After reading pr and press pundits thoughts on this statement over the last year, I decided it was time to ask my reporter friends here in Indianapolis. I really want to know so I can give advice […]
Days like this make me wonder…
In public relations we recommend our clients have a crisis plan in place. Often they wonder why? Days like this in the Midwest should be the obvious reason why. Just in case you’re reading this from a sunny and warm part of the country–today Indianapolis is the center of an ice-tastrophy. We already have about […]
Words make your brand
I confess! I’m a geek. I read promotional materials, FAQs, website copy and more. I like to see how people write and couple words together for maximum effect and impact for their brand. Do they really say who they are or do they use buzz words? Alliteration is one of my favorite devices to use […]
Make sure you can fulfill your marketing…
I’ve seen it happen too many times. Companies and business owners want more business. So they embark on a marketing/communications program BUT they aren’t prepared for what happens next. Customers! Hopefully by now you’ve heard of Groupon. It’s a simple social media marketing idea that’s taken off. Business owners partner with Groupon. Groupon sends out […]
YIKES! Talk about poor public relations timing
Earlier this week I heard a radio commercial for the Get Motivated Business Seminar. The commercial had a too-good-to-be-true offer–$1.95 per person OR send your entire office for $9.95. Motivational speakers include Zig Ziglar, General Colin Powell, Terry Bradshaw! Nice! I was driving to a business meeting thinking what’s wrong with that offer? But I […]
Honesty in public relations
I was intrigued to find a story a few weeks ago saying that a new study shows how to figure out if bosses are lying. Two guys from Stanford reviewed transcripts of nearly 30,000 conference calls by American chief executives and chief financial officers. They reviewed their “tells” to figure out what words and phrases […]
Is your communication clear and consistent or confusing and time consuming?
It’s back to school time here in Indianapolis. Last week was maddening for many of us parents. As our family prepared for our son to move into the middle school preparation was difficult. Not in terms of prepping our son, but in terms of getting everything he needed together. It went something like this. Monday […]