It’s back to school time here in Indianapolis. Last week was maddening for many of us parents. As our family prepared for our son to move into the middle school preparation was difficult. Not in terms of prepping our son, but in terms of getting everything he needed together.
It went something like this.
Monday afternoon we finally got our “team” assignments for teachers. Only then could we get our long list of school supplies, which the kids were supposed to have by Wednesday orientation. That afternoon the kids got to roam the hallways, open lockers and more. That was two and half a hours plus coming home shopping at Staples.
At Wednesday’s orientation, with every fifth grade child and one parent packed in the school hallways, we were told what to do with the vast amount of supplies. The instructions provided that night featured building a binder. Now how the heck were we to do that with packed hallways and excited middle schoolers?It was loud, chaotic and confusing.
Many parents, including us, opted to come back another day.
On Friday, when we returned, we sat down in the middle of the hallway and prepared for Monday. Only then did we see that there were needed supplies not listed. Back to the store for more that was carried in a backpack this morning.
Point here… how often does this happen to your employees, customers and clients. Do you provide a clear line of communication the first time that allows people to get the job done once? Or do you have them come back several times to get something done? Our family spent hours last week preparing for school. If we’d know the first time what we needed to do, we could have gotten it done right the first time.
We know we’re not alone as a parent prepping for the school year. As a business owner and counselor to business owners, it’s a good lesson learned. Think through how you communicate your directions. Are you confusing people or professionally explaining what’s needed to streamline efforts in your business operations each day?
I hope it’s the latter.